Mobile and stationary loading units
Load units are collections of goods that are transported, handled or stored as they pass through the supply chain. Mobile units, in contrast to stationary ones, can be freely transported, stacked and moved.
Mobile loading units
Good examples of mobile loading units are boxes, packages, pallets and barrels, which in turn can be part of a larger loading unit. For example, a pallet consists of a certain number of boxes. A truckload, in turn, consists of a certain number of pallets. Various packing are used to optimize the capacity of the various goods blocks. A loading unit, whether mobile or stationary, is therefore an individual space container that is limited by special dimensions on the one hand and is suitable for holding so-called filling units on the other. In warehouse logistics, they describe the options for packaging and shipping goods cost-effectively.
Many warehouses are set up so that they can be used most efficiently when they are stocked with loading units. If they are, their individual spaces are designed exactly to the size of Euro pallets and each loading unit is given a unique label to clearly describe the contents. Ideally, the name, item number and EAN code, so-called identification data, are summarized on each loading unit.
Stationary loading units
Stationary loading units are subspaces that are demarcated from one another at fixed locations for storing, buffering and staging storage units. They are designated as storage bin, buffer storage or staging bin according to their function. In contrast to the mobile ‘subspaces’, these cannot be moved. For example, the storage areas in the goods receipt and goods issue areas, as well as parking and storage areas for cars, trucks or railroad facilities, serve as stationary loading units. They are firmly integrated into the logistics, are filled and emptied, and are integrated into the inventory planning. Goods that are on their way to the next process step are stored there temporarily.
A special case in terms of combined filling units are semi-stationary units. These have limited mobility in a fixed direction: examples include drawers, mobile racks and storage locations in circulation warehouses.
For more information on goods handling, see handling logistics.
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