Current topics
Insights into our projects and topics
Here we curate content that reflects our company culture and methodology particularly well.
- For an insight into our subject areas and interview partners for your publication, please refer to our abstracts:
- In the 11-12/2019 issue of the trade journal ‘materialfluss’, our CIO Eduard Wagner talks about the requirements for value-adding data management in intralogistics in the article “Turning Big Data into Smart Data” (In German). You can download the complete article here as PDF.
- In issue 5/2017 of ‘materialfluss’ we provide an insight into how automated solutions to planning problems in intralogistics can be advanced. The article “Turning the right screws” (in German) can be downloaded here as a PDF file..
Contact us for specialist articles or interviews
Press releases
Press releases, company brochures and our company profile for your consideration
Are you interested in our intralogistics solutions, in the company TUP or do you simply want to find out more about our main areas of expertise? Simply contact us. We would also be pleased to add you to our press distribution list. In the individual points we have provided photos, press releases and our own publications for you.
Our company profile with contact details can be found here as a Word file und as a PDF file for download.
Current articles about TUP GmbH & Co. KG can be found under News. In addition, we would like to invite all journalists to have a look around on our knowledge platform Logistik KNOWHOW umzuschauen. In cooperation with partners and customers, we publish a variety of articles on the topics of logistics, intralogistics and supply chain management there.
Our latest blog posts and reports
21. June 2024
TUP.SML ensures smooth intralogistics processes for Lusini
The Lusini Group is one of the leading hotel and catering suppliers in the non-food sector in Europe. Founded in 1987 as Hotelwäsche Erwin Müller,…
27. May 2024
recent posts,Digitalisation,Consulting
From the old world to the new – transformation in intralogistics
Intralogistics projects are always primarily about one thing: optimisation. Throughput times should be reduced, capacities increased, costs lowered…
30. October 2023
Change Request Management in Intralogistics
If you decide to use a warehouse management system, you usually have two options: Either you acquire a license to use the software or you are the…
18. July 2023
How to respond quickly and confidently to changes in pharmaceutical intralogistics
Ensuring that certain temperature conditions are maintained is the be-all and end-all in pharmaceutical logistics. Transport service providers and…
17. July 2023
TUP inaugurates new office building
The software company TUP has reason to celebrate: barely 14 months after the foundation stone was laid for the second construction phase, the highly…
20. January 2023
TUP as exhibitor at the BVL Supply Chain Forum Southwest 2023
Innovations, highlights and best practices from supply chain management (SCM) and logistics in mechanical and plant engineering – this is what…
3. January 2023
TUP and AIM guests on the german ‘Irgendwas mit Logistik’ podcast
Just in time for the first working day of the new year, we celebrate TUP’s podcast debut. Last year, together with our strategic partner…
30. December 2022
About TUP,recent posts,About TUP
TUP annual review of 2022
Another year has passed. 365 days in which many things have moved, both as a result of economic developments and the tense global situation. General…
16. December 2022
VDA 5050 – Using driverless transport vehicles as a mixed fleet
As a standardized communication interface, VDA 5050 enables the exchange of status and order data between automated guided vehicles (AGVs), automated…
1. December 2022
TUP expertise on automation control in the WMS report of ‘Irgendwas mit Logistik’
We are pleased to be part of the latest topic report of the logistics platform ‘Something with Logistics’ (IWML). The 180+ page…
TUP GmbH & Co. KG
Our company profile
Who is TUP?
The TUP GmbH & Co. KG (TUP) is a medium-sized family business based in Stutensee, about 15 kilometers northeast of Karlsruhe, which plans and implements customized, modular intralogistics solutions. Founded in 1980, the company has a workforce of around 140 employees and generated a turnover of around 14 million euros in 2018.
What does TUP do?
The medium-sized company sees itself as a “software manufactory” that develops customized software for intralogistics. In the implementation of all projects, TUP focuses on the functionality of the software. Specialized areas include information and control systems for goods distribution centers, production logistics, multichannel e-commerce, aircraft maintenance and the vehicle and spare parts trade. Customers include the Otto Group, Zalando, Canyon, Arvato, Adidas, Bosch, Subaru, Haba, Brillux and TUIfly.
Are there examples of TUP products?
TUP.WMS: A modular IT system for warehouse management (WMS). On a standard platform with basic services, only those modules are implemented that the customer needs: From goods receipt, storage, picking, packing and packing to goods issue
TUP.MFC: A likewise modular IT system for material flow control in a warehouse. It translates the WMS orders into commands for controlling the warehouse technology. The computer also coordinates sorting systems, labeling connections and the management of internal shuttles. The goal is to achieve the highest possible throughput of the goods distribution center by controlling all material flows with millisecond accuracy.
TUP.MAS: A system module specially designed for intralogistics in the aviation industry, which can be connected to a WMS to enable the use of mobile terminals for logistics processes. The areas of application range from goods receipt to return storage, picking and annual inventory. TUP.MAS supports various mobile devices, from classic logistics handheld terminals to Android smartphones and data glasses, and thus replaces the previous paper-based booking processes.
What does TUP offer beyond the core business?
With the website Logistik KNOWHOW ein Nachschlagewerk sowie Informations- und Innovationsforum als Hilfsmittel für Logistiker, Fachjournalisten und an Logistikthemen interessierten Laien. Dort werden Fachbegriffe erläutert und die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Logistikstrategien neutral gegenübergestellt. TUP erweitert kontinuierlich die Inhalte und passt sie an aktuelle Entwicklungen an. Das Unternehmen kooperiert hierfür auch mit Forschungsinstituten aus der Branche, unter anderem dem Fraunhofer Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (IML) und dem Lehrstuhl für Fördertechnik Materialfluss Logistik (fml) der TU München, so dass die Informationen stets auf dem neuesten Stand sind.
Thanks to its close contacts to logistics and computer science chairs, TUP can regularly offer interesting topics for final theses to bachelor and master students as well as doctoral candidates. Some TUP employees have teaching positions or even professorships and thus help to ensure that the training at the universities is practice-oriented.
Does TUP contribute to environmental protection?
In 2016, the “TUP Campus” was built as a modern office building based on the passive house principle for the headquarters in Stutensee. The new building is heated or cooled with heat pump technology and is equipped with a photovoltaic facility. TUP products, such as nExtCOMbag, also contribute to environmental and climate protection: For example, they help to avoid oversized packaging and at the same time reduce transport damage.
RULS (Realtime Urban Logistics Solution) is also developed by TUP. The cloud-based solution is aimed at cities and municipalities and transfers the logic of intralogistics processes to the challenges of urban logistics. In the future, this could make it possible to route transport orders across delivery service providers, including unconventional subsidies, such as public transports. The aim is to make the last mile more efficient and thus reduce the volume of traffic in cities.