
warehouse dashboard GUI lagerverwaltungssoftware

Efficient energy application in intralogistics through data analysis

Energy efficiency is an extremely important topic in the highly cost-optimized…

The TUP series AI - Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives. No…

The TUP series AI - Neural Networks

Artificial Neural Networks In the third part of the TUP series on Artificial…

AI in intralogistics - machine learning | The TUP series AI

In the global economy and society, there is hardly an area in which artificial…

The TUP series - artificial intelligence in intralogistics

Overview: Artificial intelligence in intralogistics Artificial intelligence…

How our master student Sina Hill evaluates the benefits of artificial intelligence in intralogistics

The term AI is is often seen as a universal tool for many areas, when in fact…