
Exterior view of the Breuninger Service Center (WDZ) Sachsenheim. Rights - E. Breuninger GmbH & Co.

Four perspectives on the ultra-modern multi-channel warehouse WDZ Sachsenheim

The fashion and lifestyle company Breuninger was founded in 1881 by Eduard…

Frank Postel, CTO, in einer Halle des Breuninger-WDZ in Sachsenheim

The CTO's perspective - success story - Breuninger

In this series of interviews, we talk to employees of E. Breuninger GmbH &…

Domain Architect Digitales Produkt Management der E. Breuninger GmbH & Co. auf dem Shopfloor in der Halbnahe - Bildrechte TUP

The Domain Architect's Perspective - success story - Breuninger

In this series of interviews, we talk to employees of E. Breuninger GmbH &…

Abteilungsleiter Lagerhaltung auf dem Shopfloor des WDZ Sachsenheim - Bildrechte TUP

The perspective of the Head of Logistics - success story - Breuninger

In this series of interviews, we talk to employees of E. Breuninger GmbH &…

Teamleiter des Wareneingangs im WDZ Sachsenheim vor einer Laderampe - Bildrechte TUP

The perspective of the Team Lead in goods receipt - success story - Breuninger

In this series of interviews, we talk to employees of E. Breuninger GmbH &…

Multilingual welcome sign at Breuninger WDZ

Breuninger combines three locations in a state-of-the-art multi-channel warehouse

Branch store delivery and direct customer delivery have their very own…

TUP.WMS manages processes in Breuninger's new distribution center in Sachsenheim

The Breuninger company is building a new distribution center at the Sachsenheim…