Picking and packing – order picking
The main task of a modern logistics system today is the planning, control and execution of order picking. In this process, the old order-related picking by delivery note has gradually been replaced by a whole range of picking methods adapted to specific problems:
- Three-stage picking
- Two-stage picking (Stage 1: collection rounds by article, Stage 2: sorting by order or package, the packing process takes place separately)
- Single-stage picking (order processing in one round using picking lists)
- Paperless picking (user guidance via shelf displays and keyboards)
- Special forms for picking
- orders consisting of only one item / article / package
- whole pallets
- fast-moving items
The goal of optimization in the logistics system must be to process the entire order volume with the least possible effort. Under this premise, the dispatched orders are first converted into packages by computer (= formation of sales units (SU) ) and the SUs are then assigned to the various picking types.
The former picking within a single-section main warehouse has today largely given way to a warehouse structure with at least two sections, with a reserve and picking area. Depending on the various product characteristics, a distribution center today may well have a few dozen specialized storage areas.
You can find more information about single- and two-stage picking under Picking and Packing – Processes.