Over-corner label

Companies are increasingly using the over-corner label to ensure a smooth flow of goods within the warehouse. This is a barcode that is applied directly to the incoming goods, at the i-point, on the package or a pallet over the respective corners. It is a “unique” identification number.

By affixing it over the corners of the packaging unit or shipping unit, the goods can be guided lengthways or crossways in the conveyor flow. This is because the scanners installed on the conveyor flow have a height and alignment aligned with the over-corner label (see graphic).


Important: The over-corner label is currently still used almost exclusively for the material flow computer and its routing. However, some goods distribution centers also use it for classic MDC processes such as picking, inventory counting, compaction or stock transfer or for linking packaging units and the respective compartment.

The advantage of the over-corner label is therefore also its legibility during picking. If the label is damaged or illegible on one side, the picker uses the label on the other side of the packaging.

You can find more information under Structure of a barcode.

Image source: © TUP