The fully automatic Christmas gift wrapping machine

A world first was unveiled today at TUP. After leading minds from industry and research have been racking their brains for centuries to find new, more efficient ways of handling Christmas logistics, the breakthrough has now been achieved: the fully automatic Christmas gift wrapping machine.

Using renewable energy, the latest conveyor technology and route-optimized route planning, a young researcher has now developed a concept that will provide Christmas elves around the world with noticeable relief during the peak season. Gone are the days of exploited seasonal workers and monotonous packaging.

This is all made possible by sophisticated logistics that think further ahead than any previous approach. The focus here is not on the technical process, but on the volunteers, who now have the opportunity to focus on the positive aspects of the Christmas season, spread the word and thus multiply them.

With this in mind: Merry Christmas and a good start to the New Year!

You can find the complete elaboration in the following sketch:


© Sarah Frank, 7 years