Production management
According to business economist Werner Kern, production management is the creation of operational services. “Production is any kind of internal transformation of goods into higher-value goods”. In his opinion, terms such as production, costs, planning, control/organization and manufacturing processes are not treated separately from each other, but are viewed holistically.
In the course of production, every company tries to answer its own business management questions within production. The aim is always to achieve and secure economic production structures and production processes. The term production management therefore also includes production management and materials management.
Production management in intralogistics
With regard to intralogistics, it describes both the logistics business process as a whole and the many associated processes in the distribution center itself. It is therefore not just about objects that are produced using traditional production processes or manufacturing or assembly processes. According to Kern, it also includes finishing and finishing processes (dyeing, packaging) that do not significantly change the product properties. In assembly line production (for example in the automotive industry), the logistical conveyor landscape also plays a key production role and is therefore part of this economic theory.
The authors Hans Corsten, Ralf Gössinger and Günther Zäpfel ultimately sum it up in their explanations: “Production economics is primarily concerned with the management of technology, production and logistics processes in companies.”
Further information can be found at: Overview of goods.
Sources: Lecture notes on production management / Prof. Dr. Volker Harms/ Prof. Dr. Reinhard Elsner and the handbook of production management / Prof. Dr. Werner Kern
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