Electronic Product Code (EPC)

The Electronic Product Code (EPC) is an international product labeling system. It allows every product to be identified worldwide and is intended to replace the European item number EAN (European Article Number).
The EPC is stored in an RFID transponder. The code is used solely to identify a product, but also contains additional information such as the place of production, location or shipping information. On the one hand, the EPC allows for the unique identification of “individual” items, and on the other hand, companies generally only need a software update for the readers in operation to use the new RFID standard. In addition, transponders and codes that are already in circulation remain readable (upward compatible).

Information in the Electronic Product Code

The Electronic Product Code stores the GTIN and the SSCC as well as the following information:

  • Global Location Number (GLN),
  • Global MTV Ident Number (Global Returnable Asset Identifier, GRAI)
  • Global Individual Asset Ident Number (GIAI)
  • Global Document Type Ident Number (GDTI)
  • Global Service Relations Number (GSRN)

Components of the EPC

The Electronic Product Code consists of the following components:

  • Data header – indicates the EPC version and the coding scheme.
  • EPC manager – indicates the manufacturer’s identification number.
  • Object class – contains the product number, e.g. an item number.
  • Serial number – is used for serial identification of the product.

GS1, an international organization with members in over 100 countries, is responsible for the Electronic Product Code. It designs and implements various global standards and solutions in the field of value chains and administers the EPC systems.

More information about RFID can be found at RFID – Active Transponders.