
A web shop (also known as an online shop or e-shop) can be described as a sales and communication-oriented website. The web shop represents a virtual meeting place where manufacturers and customers have the opportunity to get in touch with each other and conclude a purchase contract. This form of trading is called e-commerce, online trading or distance selling.

The focus of the digital sales platform is

  • the presentation of the products,
  • the communication of additional product information
  • and the sales process.

Sales process in a web shop from the customer’s perspective

A customer uses a web shop to search for products. The shop’s search function, for example, is helpful to the customer in doing so. To make the process as easy as possible for the customer, the product information should be presented in a clear and comprehensible way.

A virtual shopping cart helps the customer to keep track of the products they want to buy. When the customer has finished filling their shopping cart, they are asked to enter their delivery address and provide information on the method of payment. A credit check is then carried out. If the result is positive, the order is transmitted. In the legal sense, the order constitutes a purchase contract. A subsequent confirmation e-mail can be formulated as an acknowledgement of receipt of the order or also as a declaration of acceptance of the purchase request.

From the point of view of a web shop operator, the sales process is much more complex than from the point of view of the customer. Many processes that the customer is not aware of while shopping online must be organized and provided. This process in the background is called fulfillment.

You can find more information on this under The web shop – Fulfilment.


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