Picking performance

Picking performance is understood to mean the performance of a picker in a certain period of time. Usually per hour. Based on the different order sizes and goods units, it is checked how many items or article units are processed in one day. Basically, this key performance indicator expresses the productivity of the warehouse.

Nowadays, it is disadvantageous for a company if an item cannot be delivered immediately. Permanent product availability is therefore essential in order to meet the consumer behavior of customers and not to be replaced by competitors. This permanent product availability is achieved not only through well-organized purchasing and well-thought-out warehouse logistics, but also, in particular, through optimal picking. With a high order rate, it is of little use if the warehouses are full of the goods customers want if they cannot be delivered on time due to deficiencies in picking performance.

Factors of picking performance

Determining picking performance shows how efficiently a system or an employee works and where productivity can be increased. Among other things, it depends on the following factors:

  • Picking system
  • Picking method
  • Conveyor system
  • Type of goods
  • Scope of the range
  • Scope of the order
  • Number of items per order size
  • Information flow

ABConsults has found (see graphic) that if you compare picking performance based on different types of shelving, automation in particular will lead to a further increase in picking performance in the future thanks to ongoing digitalization.


Kommissionierleistung bezogen auf unterschiedliche Regalarten - das digitalisierte Picken zeigt bessere Leistung.
If a company wants to increase its picking performance, each of the above factors must be checked for efficiency and optimized if necessary. The individual factors can also appear to work optimally, but if, for example, the goods are stored in a buffer store, without being processed further, this will also have a negative effect on picking performance at the end of the day. So it is always important to consider the interaction of the factors and the upstream and downstream processes.

For more information on picking, see cycle time method.

Image source: © Monkey Business – Fotolia.com